Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Let go and Let God.

had an inspiring talk with Connie last night.
something strike/SLAP me.
1. God gives you obstacles to make you stronger. if everything goes smoothly,will you still keep praying? *wonder*

2. you complained somebody messed up your life. what if God take it away? *wonder wonder*

3. stop the blaming game. everyone make mistakes. *wonder wonder wonder*

4. the more you pray,the more you have to sacrifice and suffer. like Abraham,who was asked to give his only son as an offering. same goes to Jesus,no sacrifice,no suffering,no salvation. have faith in God for He knows what's the best for you. *wonder wonder wonder wonder*

5. don't think too much. many things are beyond our control. God wants us to lift them up to Him that He may bless us. *wonder wonder wonder wonder wonder*

God,there are many things i still couldn't understand but i lift it up to You. and i move on. thank You for my family,my friends who have always there to support me. and may You bless them as you have blessed me. Amen.

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