Friday, July 31, 2009

i love FRIDAY!!

being sporty is bad.. hahaha.. why i say so? as i accumulate too much of lactic acid in my muscle, i end up ache here ache there,here pain there pain now. oh,whatever it is. i still love sport or maybe not sport la. probably just jog or hop around..etc! hahaha.. just couldn't sit still.

worried for the whole morning because there was this.. math 2 quiz. i admitted that i was quite nervous cause i wasn't well prepared and sorry i didn't complete all my exercises before i sit for the test. that's kinda irresponsible and i promise i'll improve. =) anyway,the test went smoothly because me and my neighbour actually helped one another(help kononnya) hahahhaa..

then we're supposed to have our vad agm rehearsal this afternoon but due to some reasons,pengetua chased all of us home and cancel/delay all the upcoming activities. don't know why and don't bother =)

went for badminton this afternoon. felt kinda lazy but still drag myself there,since i promise my friends mah. glad to see nana again after a few months? she becomes so fair!!! she created a great contrast with yee ying,seriously!! oops,sorry yy! hahahaha.. had a good match with suk ling. then we went to you liang for abc. =) simply love the feeling, which everyone get together like a bunch of good friends and chit-chatting. treasure the friendship,people =)

i love FRIDAY because tomorrow no school!! hahahahaha..


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


还记得小时候,很喜欢问为什么。可是大人的回应不是不知道,就是等你长大后就会知道。他们不都是长大后了吗?也许有些事情是长大后也不一定会知道的吧?! 神秘的为什么。

'why' makes you discover something but 'why not' makes you create new thing
-Esther- agree? =)

Saturday, July 25, 2009





Wednesday, July 22, 2009


自由自在的感觉真好,爱做什么,就做什么。看来把书包留在车上是对的。我今天after school还没碰到书。在家当了一整天的阿呆,一个‘很我’ 的一天,无忧无虑~~ 好开心哦!上了中六,这样浪费时间是何等的奢侈啊!哈哈哈哈。。人嘛,最重要是开心。我不管了,只想当个快乐人。该读书时,读书;该玩时,尽情玩! 以前的我复活了!!



quote of the day :
monster makes up hero
-gabriel chan-

Sunday, July 19, 2009

question and answer

你会接受和你性格相似的人吗? do you accept or reject someone who are similar to you?


so far,i haven't not met someone like that. i would feel very awful. well,i always feel kinda awkward and uncomfortable with myself. in life,i have too much unsatisfactory about myself. so,if i'd to meet someone like that,it's kinda horrible lo. it's like he/she can visualize whatever i think and force me to accept who i truly am. ignorance is a bliss. lol. i always believe that different characteristics attract. it's good to find someone who are complement to you instead of similar. imagine there are two 'cha si lang' sang gather together,sure quarrel one. it just doesn't work. muahahhaa.. i don't know,i think i had met ones probably and i rejected. i think i'd reject those who are very similar to me lo. everyone is unique and i wish i'm the only one.

what do you think?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"don't you feel sinful" quoted.

Ginger breadman bakery!
nice place.
despite my annoying sister
who kept saying
"eiyeerrr,don't you feel sinful?"
ice-blended oreo
oh my~
high sugar drink makes me happy!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


what an unproductive day.
even my computer is slow.. =\

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

doesn't mean that i give up

i don't resit the test doesn't mean that i gave up. i think it's not the right time. i know my english level and i know i can't handle too much pressure at once.. i accepted it and i promise i'll brush up my english. there are so many uncertain things in my life,but if you ask me whether i'll regret or not? i would say no,because i don't wish to push myself into studying just because of the exam. i don't want it to become my burden and lost my passion in learning english. band 4 is more than enough for me now. i'm happy and contented. if i don't,i'll consider to resit next year. =) i don't know,i felt kinda relieved and happy when i made up my mind yesterday.

i'm not a bright student but i'll do everything step by step and go wherever my Lord lead me.

for those who are taking the test end of the year,all the best and i'll pray for you guys! do your best and God'll do the rest. add oil!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

no sorrow is greater than despair

my confidence is crushed after what had happened recently. i'm very disheartened and disappointed. it was rather dark memont and it can really get to you if you're not careful.

i was given a chance to redo my muet. but,i think there's no point to do so since i was just trying to 赌一口气. if you were me,what would you do?

i can't accept the fact that i'm just a average,normal student. but the reality is staring me in face. i've failed. failed to reach the high target that i've set for myself. and i'm extremely upset. i started to doubt about myself. i realised that the more i care about my result,i can't perform well. i think of failure and all sort of difficulties before i tried. those unhappy experience haunted me.

think of this : people tend to shut themselves in a cramped space. over time,their perspective becomes narrow. a little setback will seem like a big disappointment to them. one should walk out of that cramped little space. there's no point staying on if you've grown weary. slowly,you'll become a person with no passion for what you're doing.

let your inclinations guide you,don't set a too high goal for yourself,you'll be happier that way. all is not lost,there's always chance. i won't give up!

God says : "my grace is all you need,for my power is the greatest when you are weak." i am most happy,then to be proud of myy weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. i'm content with weaknesses,insults,hardships,persecutions and difficulties for Christ's sake. for when i am weak,then i am strong.
-2 corinthians 9,10-


Saturday, July 11, 2009

tiring saturday.

being extremely busy is good,avoid thinking too much.. and i'm off to bed now!


不是绕口令哦! 以我的理解是:
青春期的小孩,爱胡思乱想,就是偶!我不想长大!!! 哈哈哈哈~ 心智上我希望我自己是成熟的。但愿是。。。

Thursday, July 9, 2009

forgetful thursday

i forgot to attend astronomy club AGM this afternoon. -.-||| holding a post of vice president,i truly felt ashamed of that.. sorry ya! anyway,hope everything goes well without me. it was rather easy to be a club vice president,all you need to do is attend every meetings and you got the marks. especially those inert club like my club ;) hahhaa..

let's talk about some current issues. as you all know,MJ passed away week ago. i actually don't have any special feeling toward this news. just feel kinda sorry and sad that a great singer had left us suddenly. there's absolutely a concrete reason why MJ's well known as the king of pop. just look at his dancing style,great voice(especially when he sang that song.. "you're not alone,i'm here with you...") undeniable,many people had actually imiatated his performance like his dancing etc. i think God has His own reason in calling MJ back at that moment. think about this,if he didn't die,he's going to carry out 50 concerts around the whole world. does his health allow him to cope with this heavy work load? can he still perform as great as before? will people keep on hitting and critising him after those performance? can he take those critism openly and live for himself? hmmm,something to ponder. well,his body has dead but not his spirit,music,passion in dancing... he's considered a very successful man in his career and he did bring lotsa entertainment and love to people around us. MJ,may you rest in peace.

other than that,i heard that government is going to change english back to bahasa malaysia in teaching science and maths. it was rather a disappointing decision for me lo. why give up? they should improve the english level instead of tolerant. i understand that one should know their national language(BM) well. there are many other subjects taught in bm dy le. you can make bm as a compulsory subject but why not english? when students reach form 6,science and maths will be taught in english again? WHAT? how do you expect student to do well in their public exam? all those scientific terms,no kidding man. if we don't learn since early stage,students will be in deep trouble. hope malaysia government can be more considerate and think twice before they take any action.
p/s all those textbooks that gov decided to give out free before,how? all throw away and get new books? why waste money like that? i think malaysia just need to be more persistent lo.. there's always difficulties in starting point. find solution,not excuses!!! if bm in teaching science and maths doesn't work,are they going to change back to english again?? hmmmm.. good luck,juniors.

sigh,talk so much. tired liao. bye

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

wawa~ wednesday.

pissed off! how can those people took me for granted!!! urghh.. control control.. rashes bump out when i got angry. or is it because i didn't take bath? i did le.. hehee xD well,why punish myself since other people did wrong? so,forgive and don't forget.. i spend money for lesson(ALWAYS.. can't help,i stupid) lol. thou not my money,also sim tiah. =(

don't know since when i enjoy being alone. i went for a walk just now. simply love the feeling. no distraction,everything is so peaceful and it seemed like all my worries is carried away by the tender wind. nice.. it's good to slow down. that 10 minutes was the most perfect moment for the day. =)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


今天早上下了说大不大,说小不小的雨。下雨天嘛,当然是心不甘情不愿的起床,懒懒散散得去学校啦! 发现这样的早晨也不错。突然想起王立宏的一首歌-if you listen to the rhythm of failing rain,那是春雨领洗过的太阳。真的,下过雨的天空很美,阳光也很warm,不会像平时那么晒死人不偿命。

今天的课,和平常一样咯。只是我上了4节的数学,只作了4题练习。可想而知,我的数学是多么的。。你说呢? 哈哈。。不过,别人也差不多,那也许是对我小小的欣慰吧!哈。。

下午来个小偷懒,在家睡了两个小时,没有去图书馆报到。哈哈。。爽啊!游手好闲了一个下午。晚上,算是有念到书了,organic chemistry,至少比physical和organic好念多了。那两本不是人念的(相信我)。哈哈哈。。为什么会念organic?当然又是因为那'我必须参与,又未必享受的事'咯。还是在下午的extra class.只能说-哀怨阿~不过,我还好。明天是朋友生日,又碰巧是考试期,真可怜。我会帮你庆祝的,sushi,别伤心。很多人耗了一辈子,也没这个荣幸。

啊!!新买的手表没电了!!像屎一样,气死我了! 中看不中用的东西!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


4个字来形容我现在的心情-力不从心! 总觉得礼拜一过得很快,但又是最难熬的。很像一切从零开始那种感觉。我不知道该怎么看待我现在的情况,只能说比上不足,比下有余。以我的角度来说是夹在中间,一事无成。真的,我可以很明显的察觉到那自卑感慢慢的侵略。只是天生爱面子的我,就是不服输。一个人可以用高傲的外表示人,可是夜深人静时,还是掩饰不了心中的空虚。我不忧郁,可是就是有点无奈。我知道凡事都要一步一步来,不该怀疑。可是。。可是。。。唉~总之就是烦啦!我的信心从我手中流走,现在我要亲手把你争取回来。哪里跌倒,就该哪里爬起来!唯一愿望--不要放弃,就有奇迹。加油! =)

Thursday, July 2, 2009


no school!! Wahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


唉~ (原来我真得很爱叹气,哈哈)
困扰了吗? 不,只是爱发牢骚。。
在这二十个星期内,如果看见我,请帮帮忙提醒我:我必须念书! 哈哈哈。。
be persistent,people! daring to pursue your dream is the very first step to success =)