Monday, May 14, 2012

God will provide

There is absolutely so many things to be taken care
Money,homework,house chores,training,exam,OSCE,OSPE
and the list goes on...

Yesterday,I was google-ing
I typed "I love you",then click on image
Many many pictures came out
but none can picture me the real meaning of LOVE
then nothing happened,life goes on...

Last night,I went to my friend's room
booked cheap AA ticket
then sleepover at her place

This morning,I came back to my room at 7am
Felt so tired and discouraged
It is like life is so tedious
to be exact
"I'm so lack of what you called LIFE Purpose"
So I opened my bible
after this while
the first line I read was
"I love you just as the Father loves me"
...remain in my love

This verse is so amazing and powerful...
it was indescribable

Check out John 15:9-17
Today's reading
and endure in God's love
so strong and fulfilling...

God bless

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