Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hopefully the tears can bring away all the sadness

People remember you when they need your car,your camera,your help...
Well,at least I still have value...
God bless people with kind heart,right?
I should have faith..
Try not to think that people is using me
but...SIGH 过不了自己那一关
Sigh,gastric is seriously making me feel bad.

Why am I always crying when I write my blog?
Why do I cry alot during this semester?
Why do I feel so burden when I'm blessed with so many things?
Am I selfish? not willing to share?
I feel miserable...
Lord,teach me what to do



JuAnneBeLLa said...

why cry just now le??
should wait for me come back...
i wanna cry also....

Sang said...

After crying,then laugh! xD