Thursday, October 30, 2008

me upset.

negative thought strikes
chemistry paper spoilt my day
me upset
me disappointed
me exhausted
me no confidence
told my mum i'm not feeling good after the exam
she said : tell me good news not the bad one,girl (bao xi bu bao you)
ya,that's what i used to do but why not today
guess i'm just sick of pretending.

mayb cally's right
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
i wish i can accept that as soon as possible.
thus,happy happy me will be back

Saturday, October 25, 2008

that guy


哈哈,cute.. =)

Sunday, October 19, 2008


不知不觉又过了几个月,一切似乎很平静。曾几何时我会想如果我们可以回到过去真好,三八的我们聚在一起,七嘴八舌地聊着别人的是非,要不然就是大展歌喉,在班上,学校走廊唱的‘有来有去‘,欣赏的‘路人’会毫不吝啬的打赏他们的掌声,受罪的也只可在背后默默的摇头。哈哈哈。。一起讨论着暗恋对象,也一起忧虑着学业成绩。沮丧时,至少知道自己不是孤军作战。也不是说现在的我人缘不好,没有朋友。 可是独一无二的那一群怪咖,我暂时在新环境找不到。难免有点沧桑,寂寞。。 有所谓或无所谓也不能改变我们已长大的事实。哈哈哈哈。。尤其是长太大的我 =X

Thursday, October 2, 2008


as i promised. geng le? =)

ivy's back.

friend's wedding! sweet~

beautiful. (sister and her god-mum)

oh my,ghost! hehe..

that's how it looked when you try to put skirt on tomboy. haha..

enjoy life! peace~